Index – National – Strike in the SZFE, if the termination of employment is declared legal, the board of directors organizes alternative education


Employees at the University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE) staged a two-hour warning strike Thursday afternoon after no agreement was reached during strike talks. Tamás Lajos, a member of the SZFE board of trustees, told ATV Híradó:

If the court rules that a strike by university professors is legal, the board of directors will organize alternative education.

He added that he believes the strike is illegal. The well-known cameraman indicated that the board of directors had acquired rights within the framework provided and allowed by Hungarian law.

Tamás Lajos did not want to reveal how education is organized, but said that there will be someone who will teach the students, and there is a place where the semester can continue.

The strikers’ demands include: guaranteeing freedom of creation, education and university; restore the powers of the Senate before the change of model; the internal functioning of the university can be determined by the university community through a democratic and self-determined way, through the Senate; the rector, the department heads and the department heads of the university can be elected by the university community in a democratic manner, through the representation of the Senate. They also demand that it be guaranteed that the university’s financial resources will not be reduced.

Mouthwash: everything you need to know about the SZFE case

College sage.
