Index – National – Step by step: The second wave forced Orban to adjust


After a brief “impressive” summer after the first wave, epidemiological measures gradually tightened starting in September, before Viktor Orbán announced the tougher restrictions of the second wave, in response to the fact that new records are being set every day in Hungary.

At the end of August, Kossuth Radio Good morning, Hungary! In his program, the Prime Minister spoke of the fact that the greatest danger remains the introduction of coronavirus infection, so more prohibition measures will be necessary.

I’m not saying vise, but a close state will be established

Then he declared. He also said that everyone can sleep in peace because all means are available for proper medical care.

Hungary is one of the world’s leading fan manufacturers, and the time will come when all fans will be manufactured in-house.

He said.

Fully armed we’re waiting for the second wave

In August, the government decided to apply strict entry restrictions from September 1. Viktor Orbán said in a video made after the border control action group meeting of operational personnel:

Serious steps must be taken to stem the second wave of “knocking on our doors”, in particular by reducing the introduction of the virus.

In early September, the Prime Minister said on Kossuth Radio that

armed for the second wave of the epidemic,

at the same time, it considers it important that the government reaches the necessary levels of moderation, which is why the rules are constantly being negotiated and refined.

People want Hungary to work

Viktor Orbán said in a radio interview on September 11, citing responses to the government’s national consultation. He also said that he is aware of the current uncertainty that many fear they will be subject to restrictions as severe as in the spring. However, the head of government stated that his cabinet is not preparing for it, no general restriction is expected.

A day later, in an interview with public television, he drew attention to the fact that infection rates will increase.

What we should pay attention to is not the number of diseases, but the number of deaths

Added. He also talked about that: it could be a lot easier in the fall that you already have live experience from the first wave.

In the spring we face another unknown enemy, but today we found out

He is stressed. He already foresaw that if people did not follow the applicable epidemiological rules, they would be expelled.

Habituation is over, a new world has begun

In early October, the Prime Minister was less optimistic and, in his regular radio interview, the country was facing a difficult period because

We already have enough virus, but the virus is not enough for us,

infects faster than before.

We need to work together now, this is the time when we need to achieve a radical improvement in physician pay.

He declared. He also explained that the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic will be longer and more difficult, so the reorganization steps must be implemented at the same time and the carrying capacity of health workers must be increased.

In an interview with Hír TV on October 7, Viktor Orbán still spoke about the fact that the government does not plan to introduce measures that restrict the daily lives of people more than before. The government calculated


In a radio interview on October 30, the prime minister went on to emphasize that he does not believe in multiplying the rules, but in enforcing existing rules. The key is to wear a mask, and the authorities have been understanding and helpful for a long time, which is why they are tightening controls on compliance with epidemiological regulations.

The situation forced us to consider habituation closed, as they say in kindergartens. Everyone had to get used to the current situation, starting Monday with a new world of inspections. Until now it has been up to the police to help, explain, ask, from now on the punishment is approaching

– said Viktor Orbán.

The spread of the virus has accelerated

However, given the deterioration of the figures, on November 3, the prime minister announced the entry into force of an extraordinary legal order on his Facebook page. The government has also decided to ask Parliament to extend this time-limited emergency regime by 90 days.

If the virus is spreading fast, we must also be fast

He declared. In a video uploaded to his Facebook page a day later, Viktor Orbán reiterated that while defending against the virus, the country and the economy must work:

If we work together and everyone follows the rules, the current setting will be sufficient and no further action will be needed.

Then events accelerated in parallel with an increasing rate of coronavirus infection. In a radio interview on November 6, Viktor Orbán announced that a decision would be made to reschedule deferred surgeries so that there would be enough doctors and nurses to care for those infected with the coronavirus.

A day later, two days before the harsh austerity measures were announced, he reported in a Facebook video that there is a good chance that European, Chinese and Russian vaccines will reach Hungary on time and after proper inspection they will be available for those who want to volunteer. vaccinate.

Until then, however, there are quite a few weeks left, so it is important to be aware of what is happening around us.

The Prime Minister pointed out.

While the most important element of the government’s epidemiological measures in recent weeks has been the regulation and control of the use of masks, in addition to the tough adjustments just described, Viktor Orbán also said:

wearing a mask alone is no longer enough to stop the epidemic.

The National Assembly may decide on Tuesday to give the government an extraordinary 90-day term. Viktor Orbán stressed that the now announced restrictions will be introduced for 30 days, but will be extended if necessary.

(Cover image: Viktor Orbán / Facebook)
