Index – National – Stakeholders were given three hours to comment on the new health law


The Trade Union Association of Medical Universities also asks President János Áder not to sign the Law of Legal Relations of the Health Service.

In a statement sent to the MTI on Friday, the association wrote that the OSZSZ, which groups together the unions of the four medical schools, wrote a letter to János Áder, because

In his opinion, the new Law on Legal Relations with Health Services is unconstitutional. On the one hand, it violates the right to free employment and business, and on the other hand, it prohibits employees and their interest groups from agreeing with the employer.

Parliament voted unanimously to increase doctors' salaries

The legal status of doctors will change from January and they will receive the first additional amount no later than April.

However, it was noted that the Basic Law provides that employers and employees can agree to and enter into a collective agreement.

That is why the Health Services Act violates the fundamental rights of Hungarian workers with such severity that it has never been seen before.

They said.

The NSZL, like other advocacy groups, was given just three hours to comment on a law that was akin to military service, away from healing humanity.

According to the association, the timing of the passage of the legislation is also regrettable because it is confusing healthcare workers and healthcare workers at work in an increasingly serious epidemic that feel their existence is in danger. It is considered important that the legislation adopted is not adequate to regulate the entire field of health care, as it has several special branches where it creates additional tensions. This is the case, for example, of higher education in health, they added, adding that the OSZSZ is therefore asking the President of the Republic not to sign the law.

Earlier, the Hungarian Medical Union (MOSZ) and the League of Trade Unions also asked the head of state not to sign the law on the legal status of the health service, which was approved by parliament.

János Áder signed the coronavirus law at record speed

The President of the Republic explains the decision in a long statement. All this means that the law will go into effect at midnight.
