Index – National – Secretary of State Bence Tuzson also contracted the coronavirus


Bence Tuzson, Secretary of State for Government in the Office of the Prime Minister, Member of Parliament, tested positive for coronavirus. The news was posted by the Secretary of State on his Facebook page.

Several public figures have previously contracted the virus:

  • Róbert D. Kovács, Mayor of Kőbánya
  • Ferenc Bese, Mayor of Soroksár
  • István Hollik, Director of Communications at Fidesz
  • Slomó Köves, the chief rabbi of the United Hungarian Jewish Community
  • Gábor Kuncze, former president of the SZDSZ, was Minister of the Interior
  • Róbert Madari, Mayor of Lakitelek
  • Gábor Radványi, Deputy Mayor of Kőbánya
  • László Trócsányi, MEP, former Minister of Justice

In late August, several members of the government were examined on suspicion that István Hollik also participated in a garden party hosted by the Center for Fundamental Rights, which later produced a positive coronavirus test. The virus was also detected in László Trócsányi after the party in the garden of Sophiapuszta’s mansion. Balázs Orbán, Judit Varga, Gergely Gulyás and Csaba Dömötör, among others, also participated in the party, but received a negative coronavirus test.
