Index – National – Röszke was removed because he was listed on the criminal record, so he took out his diplomatic passport


An indictment was brought against a Budapest man who was proven with a false diplomatic passport at the Röszke highway border crossing in late 2018, a deputy spokesperson for the Csongrád-Csanád County Prosecutor General’s Office informed the MTI on Friday.

Flóra Saághy said the man was charged with the crime of falsifying public documents.

According to the indictment, the man applied for entry from Serbia on December 27, 2018 and first handed over his identity card to the passport administrator, who found it to be on the criminal record and therefore set him aside for secondary control. The accused then handed over his diplomatic passport to the Central African Republic with his personal data. The travel document was found to have been produced from at least two original passports.

An unknown author tampered with the first page containing the defendant’s data in the document, which was not originally issued as a diplomatic passport, replaced two more internal pages and the faux leather cover, and also changed the document’s serial number. The defendant himself knew the document was a forgery, the prosecutor said.
