Index – National – Residents can claim millions of guilders, have no choice for years


Residents do not have many options as to whether or not to sign a legal relationship with the health service. If they don’t sign before the new deadline, that is, Monday night, they will have to repay up to several million florins to the state.

Initially there was strong opposition from various unions to the bill, which fundamentally transformed the healthcare system at the end of October 2020, and although the recommendations of the Hungarian Medical Chamber (MOK) were taken into account at the time of writing, Surprising data came as a result of an online survey.

The polls

The Hungarian Chamber of Health Professionals (MESZK) conducted a survey among its members even after the drafting of the bill. Of the 30,000 respondents, nearly one in three respondents did not believe they would sign the new legal relationship.

The Hungarian Medical Chamber (MOK) also asked its members for their opinions on the new legal relationship. According to their survey, 77 percent of Hungarian doctors stated that they would not sign the new health care contract, and 40 percent would even leave public care because of it, according to MOK research.

Most of them, 37 percent of doctors, go to private healthcare, but 35 percent said they would leave the country or the industry rather than sign a contract. Younger and middle-aged colleagues plan to travel abroad for private medical care. Despite preliminary calculations, doctors in a hospital’s departments have already indicated that they will not sign, but only health professionals estimate the number of dropouts at a few thousand.

The future belongs to the young

However, among the members of the thirty thousand medical society, beginners do not have the opportunity to decide on a more ideal employment relationship for themselves.

After graduating from medical school with a degree in hand, beginning physicians, also known as residents, specialize in a field that takes between three and six years, but for a neurologist, this can mean even more years. After six years of medical training,

You do not have the opportunity to start a private practice on your own yet, it is mandatory to take some kind of professional examination first. However, they can work in private healthcare, but only under supervision. This time, on the other hand, it does not count towards vocational training. This is a second easy job.

A recent graduate resident reported to the Index how they are affected by the entry into force of the new legislation. Béla, so to speak, the doctor who requests anonymity, is still more than four years away from the specialized medical training that he imparts in a hospital in the capital. As of January, he also received the most favorable salary increase he ever received.

could be supplemented by a Markusovszky scholarship for residents,

however, he did not make use of the 100,000 HUF monthly option.

There is a simple reason for this, the young man explains. The scholarship contract must commit to work in public health for at least as long as the scholarship is paid after obtaining the professional examination, which would mean a commitment of up to 4-5 years.

The great dilemma: stay or go?

The young doctor and many other residents initially welcomed the new legal relationship, which will take effect in January 2021. Tamás Dénes, president of the Union of Residents and Specialists, also reported on this in early October on

The president of the organization believes that the rate and pace of salary increases are acceptable in the current epidemic situation.

He considers positive in the law that liquidates the salaries of doctors and believes in the abolition of the gratitude system and in the clarification of the relationship between public and private health care.

However, residents experience the disadvantage of the possibility of secondment in a non-emergency state and the rather long duration of this, up to two years. This is completely unacceptable

– Tamás Dénes voiced his criticism in early October.

Since then, this deadline has been reduced to 44 days, which is an acceptable compromise for them.

Physicians in vocational training undertake to pass the professional examination within a specified time. However, the time frame for the specialist exam can be extended if requested, but if the specialist exam is not passed by the postponed date, they will have to reimburse the cost of the training.

If Béla does not sign the employment relationship, not only would she lose the opportunity to become a specialist in Hungary in a few years, but

If you do not process the length of your university years here in Hungary, you will also have to return the tuition to the state, which can amount to several million guilders.

Therefore, the young doctor is particularly pleased that he did not use the Markusovszky Scholarship, as he still sees the opportunity to work abroad in a short time and reimburse the rest of the training costs to the state.

Not everything is perfect

The new legislation has not yet regulated all the areas in question, notes the young doctor. Among other things, it is still unclear when a patient visits a specialist for a private appointment who is subsequently unable to treat the same illness in the public health care setting.

If a pregnant woman presents with me on a private order, I cannot deliver her in state care, during business hours, even if the amniotic fluid has just been depleted and labor has begun.

It points out the details of the new legislation, which have yet to be clarified. He stressed that doctors work for the care and healing of patients and feel during the epidemic how much burden they have on them, but many do not like that they cannot give up citing an emergency.

However, he believes that significant progress has been made in the area of ​​pay. As a medical graduate, he was placed in the lowest salary grade. This year it amounts to 320 thousand HUF net, which he believes is a fair amount,

“However, I am thinking of working abroad, even with the reimbursement of the training fee, as this system is going to be implemented for five years.”

– closes your thoughts on the young resident.

(Cover Image: Veronique de Viguerie / Getty Images)
