Index – National – Provisional municipal elections are held in five municipalities


In Egyházasrádóc, Vas county, the previous mayor resigned in May for health reasons. Four independent candidates are running for public office, with 1,100 on the electoral roll.

In Vizslás, Nógrád county, a council and a mayor will also be elected after the council was dissolved in June. Three will run for mayor as independents and one candidate will run for the Hungarian Labor Party. There are 18 candidates competing for the six individual lists of representative bodies, with 1,072 voters.

In Alsószentmárton, Baranya County, the independent mayor elected in October last year was finally convicted and resigned in February. Four independent candidates will run for office. 825 people have the right to vote in Ormánság.

In Istvánd, Somogy County, the former mayor was sentenced to a final prison term in March for a crime committed before his election, and his post was dismissed. On Sunday, four independent candidates will compete for the vote of 374 voters.

In Hajdúszoboszló, Hajdú-Bihar county, the representative of the eighth constituency elected in October last year resigned in January. An independent candidate from the Momentum Movement and the Fidesz-KDNP-Hajdúszoboszló Farmers’ Circle-MI for Hajdúszoboszló will stand for election. The number of voters is 2,597.

Local election offices place hand sanitizers at polling stations, voters wear a mask and ask them to do the same. Those entering the polling station are also asked to keep a distance of at least one and a half meters from each other and to bring a pen. Patients with reduced mobility can request a mobile ballot box no later than 12 noon on voting day.
