Index – National – Police are already dealing with the case of Dr. Gődény, who rejects the virus


The Dialogue politician, Kocsis-Cake Olivio Polt, wrote a written question to Péter, in which he expected an answer to:

where action against virus activists and against the epidemic is maintained.

The politician also drew attention to the fact that one of the “most infamous antivirus propagandists” was György Gődény, who raised HUF 150 million in state support to finance his party before the 2018 parliamentary elections, and has not reimbursed this amount to the state since then. although it would have been his duty after his party failed to reach the five percent threshold: Kocsis-Cake also complained that the “camouflage party” had damaged the budget, saying that Gődény’s remarks also raise suspicions that the horror is spreading. Among other things, the politician asked the Attorney General if he had approached the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information about allegedly illegal anti-vaccination firms and related to data protection.

In response, Péter Polt wrote that he had evaluated the MP’s questions as a report, so he forwarded it to the Budapest Police Headquarters, as the authority had to judge whether there was a place to order an investigation.
