Index – National – Péter Szijjártó: As time goes by, I find it more and more difficult to quarantine


A sample of the Russian coronavirus vaccine will arrive in Hungary within a week and a half, the foreign minister and trade minister said on current channel M1 on Wednesday night.

According to the MTI report, Péter Szijjártó explained that the so-called Sputnik vaccine has already received its mid-term report, according to which its effectiveness is 92 percent. Péter Szijjártó said that this is good news for Hungary, because the Hungarian government is conducting advanced negotiations on its acquisition, adding:

The sample arrives within a week and a half and can be subjected to laboratory testing. In December a small shipment arrives for clinical trials. And in the second half of January, large-scale deliveries can begin.

On Wednesday, it was agreed with Russia that the Russian side would collect the necessary documentation to obtain the license in Hungary and send it to Budapest by Thursday evening at the latest. The minister also said that a regulation could be issued on Wednesday, according to which an “emergency” import permit could be issued, temporarily for a period of 6 months. The minister also said he would consult with Russia’s trade and industry minister on Friday. It is also the Hungarian company that currently manufactures vaccines against other viruses, including influenza.

We already know that this company complies with the so-called second level of security. However, it is still being tested to see if it can switch to the production of this vaccine. The answer to this may be in the middle to the end of next week.

– He said. The minister stressed that if a country has its own vaccine production capacity, it will not be in a vulnerable position. At the same time, he emphasized that the Hungarian government still strives to obtain vaccines from as many sources as possible, with more and better vaccines, so that Hungarians are as safe as possible.

Péter Szijjártó, who has been in quarantine for nine days due to a coronavirus infection, also said:

As time goes on, it becomes increasingly difficult to bear the quarantine. He misses his family more and more. However, her symptoms were alleviated, she noted, however, that it may take some time to regain her previous physical condition.
