Index – National – Péter Márki-Zay: The virus is as dangerous before 11 pm as after


Péter Márki-Zay, mayor of Hódmezővásárhely, expressed his misunderstanding on social media. In his opinion, the virus is equally dangerous before 11 pm

According to the regulations in force since September 21, it is not possible to organize events after 11 pm, and guests must also leave the catering shops.

Many wedding couples have postponed their wedding until the fall during the first wave of spring and are now forced to do it again due to official action.

Mayor Péter Márki-Zay would help couples:

In our city there are rooms suitable for holding many serious events, which do not qualify as restaurants (sports halls, pool atrium, reading circles), we are happy to rent them to young people in Vásárhely for weddings; If you are interested, please find Judit Laczkó, Office Manager

The mayor wrote on the Facebook post that he received a lot of likes and comments.
