Index – National – Péter Jakab to Viktor Orbán: “Don’t you kiss your feet, little mini Putin?”


Péter Jakab, President of Jobbik, recently published an exciting post on Facebook.

The opposition politician mainly complains that Parliament will also vote the next sentence in the text of the bill on the extension of the emergency situation next week.

“Parliament politically recognizes the measures taken by the Government so far to prevent the epidemic.”

This so infuriated the Jobbik president that he also asked this question:

Don’t kiss your feet, little mini Putin?

He then stated: For Viktor Orbán, it is not crisis management and work that matter, he just wants recognition.

He also recalled that the opposition had once given the government confidence. Orbán, on the other hand, “abused trust” by rewriting the suffrage law, amending the constitution, bleeding local governments, and spending billions of the Economic Protection Fund on sports stadiums and space research instead of protecting jobs.

And meanwhile, more than 13,000 of our compatriots have died from the coronavirus, and who knows how many thousands are left behind in treatments.

Wrote Peter Jakab. He added that he would not vote again confidentially for the Prime Minister as it was only “Once upon a time there was a dog show in Buda”.
