Index – National – Péter Erdő: The truth is that we live


We need to live our lives with trust and joy in God, ”Cardinal Péter Erdő, Archbishop of Budapest – Esztergom, said on Easter Sunday at the service held in the Esztergom Basilica.

We realized that a lot of everything we took for granted was ready to fall into our lap, “added the cardinal, suggesting that a year ago in the spring, the shelves ran out of store shelves because people wanted to make homemade bread with sourdough. Peter Erdő pointed out that for the first Christian generation, the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ gave a new light to the ancient feast of Easter.

Péter Erdő also spoke about the time when we must eliminate all malice and evil. He called us to review our lives, to think about the situation of our communities and also of our people.

Let’s avoid misinterpreting the actions of others. So let’s learn to celebrate with the unleavened bread of truth and purity. And the truth is that we live. That we have reason to hope, because the creator will take the hand of humanity.

He said, adding that it is time to open our hearts so that we only want to help in the common problem in a simple, clear and honest way.

He also pointed out that last year should be considered a kind of Lent, and stressed that they are eager to celebrate with Pope Francis and Jesus at the Eucharistic Congress in Budapest, as Jesus can bring renewal to our lives.
