Index – National – PDSZ for Parents: No one should send their child to kindergarten or school


“Don’t send your child to kindergarten, to school! Ask the kindergarten teacher, the principal, to excuse the children’s absence! “- writes in its appeal the Democratic Union of Teachers.

While writing, they receive a lot of letters from parents who fear their children: inadequate distance is not guaranteed, segregation of student groups cannot be guaranteed everywhere, in the vast majority of cases there is no evidence or only delayed .

It is in the common interest of workers and parents to reduce harm in public educational institutions. Do not send your child to kindergarten or school!

– emphasize, adding, this does not mean you panic, but solutions are needed. As they write, this is the responsibility of the government and the management of education. However, as long as the government is committed to protecting life and health not only with words but also with deeds, parents are forced to act.

Of course, not all families can solve the problem of not sending their child to kindergarten or school. Especially where only the breadwinner can stay home with the child. However, if you can, don’t send your child to school or kindergarten! Based on local epidemiological policies and protocols, the kindergarten teacher and principal can provide proof of the absence of children and students. So ask the kindergarten principal / teacher to justify the omission

– emphasized that although this could put an additional burden on everyone, in the absence of this, massive diseases would later be an even greater burden on families. He closes the call for the PDSZ National Board saying: we are talking about, let’s protect ourselves, let’s protect our families!

(Cover image: The body temperature of students is measured in a school in Budapest on September 28, 2020. Photo: Zoltán Balogh / MTI)
