Index – National – Parliament voted a record sentence for Péter Jakab


László Kövér, Speaker of Parliament, fined Péter Jakab, leader of the Jobbik faction, with a record fine of about 4.4 million guilders, because after the interim elections in Borsod he wanted to place a bag of potato chips on the table of the first Minister Viktor Orbán.

Parliament voted for the record punishment of Péter Jakab

In the parliamentary session on Monday, a majority of 115 to 51 in parliament upheld the ruling, against which opposition politicians had previously appealed.

Peter Jakab said it was a shame that while the country was facing a crisis, pro-government MPs were amused to be punished with such punishment for a bag of potato chips.

However, János Latorcai, vice president of Parliament, who chaired the meeting, did not allow the speech of the president of Jobbik to be heard, considering that it did not constitute a procedural response.

(Cover image: Members of Parliament will vote in the plenary session of Parliament on November 30, 2020. Photo: Szilárd Koszticsák / MTI)
