Index – National – Orbán told the EU that he could not go to Brussels and then flew to Belgrade


Viktor Orbán met in Belgrade and then held a joint press conference with Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić at the Serbian President’s General Secretariat building, the event was broadcast on Pannon RTV. At the event, when asked by the Serbian press about the European Union’s criticism of the Hungarian special legal order, Orbán said that the Hungarian defense was successful because of the special legal order,

And he says he could return the special power by the end of the month.

According to the Hungarian Prime Minister, it was appropriate to apologize to anyone who doubted that the Hungarian government had approached the special legal order in good faith.

Of particular interest to the meeting is the fact that the EP invited Orban to Brussels on Thursday to participate in a debate on the Hungarian coronavirus law and the rule of law.

Viktor Orbán rejected all his energy defending himself from the epidemic.

therefore, Judit Varga, Minister of Justice and Affairs of the European Union, would participate in the debate and asked Sassoli in a letter to give the floor to Varga. However, EP President David Sassoli insisted on the institution’s established practice of allowing only the Heads of State and Government to speak in plenary (a Minister or Secretary of State can only participate in the debate on behalf of the Presidency of the Council of the EU). For this, Varga toured the pro-government press with the union censuring Hungary and judging without listening to us.

We asked Undersecretary of State Bertalan Havasi, head of the Prime Minister’s Press Office, about the trip to find out why Viktor Orbán was able to go to Belgrade, but not to Brussels. As soon as the reply comes, we will update the article.
