Index – National – Opposition parties vote to extend state of emergency


Parliament may meet on November 10 to decide on a bill to control the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic.

The prime minister announced on Tuesday that the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic has once again justified the introduction of a state of emergency, and the government is declaring a state of emergency.

However, government decrees issued during an emergency are only valid for 15 days, after which they must be decided by parliament, so the head of government asked the National Assembly to extend the term by 90 days.

They still opposed in the spring

Previously, two-thirds of the pro-government parliamentary parliament passed a bill to that effect without opposition. At that time, the opposition parties explained their voting behavior by stating that the bill had no deadline, giving Viktor Orbán and the government authority to govern the country through decrees, bypassing Parliament, for a practically unlimited period of time. .

The opposition parties emphasized that if the extraordinary legal order had been presented within 60 or 90 days, they would have supported the bill.

After the declaration of the emergency situation again, Máté Kocsis, the leader of the Fidesz faction, summoned the parties to a meeting of seven parties, about which the pro-government politician posted on his Facebook page, in which he wrote:

Next week we will vote on the next important step in the fight against the epidemic. We call on leftist parties and leftist politicians to support the proposal! In the spring we could not count on them, then they did not support the extension of the emergency, they did not vote for the coronavirus law, they attacked Hungary abroad and even made a camouflage video to end Hungarian medical care. This is not the time for political debates! Let’s take care of each other!

Deadline is now the key

Knowing the text of the bill presented, we asked the factions of the opposition parties if this time they support the 90-day extension of the extraordinary legal order.

We received a response from all political groups to support the government bill in this way.

László László Keresztes, leader of the LMP faction, believes that since the bill previously presented and submitted to conciliation only authorizes the government to extend the emergency regulation for 90 days, the representatives of the Green Party will support its adoption.

According to Jobbik, the consultation with the factions was not of particular importance, as the Prime Minister called “133 brave people, by order, without words, invisibly pushing anything through the legislature.” However, the party believes that the ruling parties are now showing a semblance of willingness to compromise, because “the Orbán government, which in turn has been abusing its power, is already terribly judged at the European and international level.”

According to Jobbik, the government “deals with the epidemic in a dilettante way”, therefore,

seeing this slavery, the party will give them all the help they need because of the crisis,

therefore, they support the proposal for a 90-day extension. The party also points out in its response to our document that they had already proposed in March of this year that this authority be granted to the government only for that time. From here, all responsibility rests with Viktor Orbán and the government in terms of managing the epidemic.

The DK presidency met on Friday afternoon to discuss the proposal, they also responded to the Index’s request to vote next week.

According to the Dialogue, given that the government fulfilled the most important condition, already expressed in spring, that the term for authorization be the same, the rapid discussion of the bill, which is different from the norms of the law, is already considered sustainable. home. However, a faction of a party can only vote if

if the government guarantees that this extraordinary power will not be abused,

as they say it did in spring.

One such solution could be for any faction leader to present emergency regulations to the Constitutional Court, which would then be decided by the panel within three days, but which should also regulate ex-post control of exempt transactions and guarantee that the information is not encrypted.

However, according to the Dialogue, the most important thing is that the government will actually use this power for what it asked for: to stop the coronavirus epidemic, to support people who lost their jobs, and not for what they thought was seen during the first wave, owned by Lőrinc Mészáros. to enrich it. ”Otherwise, the seven-part conciliation is considered a conciliatory conciliation, since the bill was already presented within hours of the meeting.

According to the MSZP, all the necessary means to curb the coronavirus epidemic are at the government’s disposal.

Fidesz included the 90-day deadline in the bill without the request of the opposition parties,

that the MSZP, like other opposition parties, had previously asked the government in vain. According to the party, it is the government’s responsibility to take or stop taking any measure related to the control of the epidemic. The MSZP has stated that it is committed to the protection of life and health of people, therefore it is voting in favor of extending the emergency for a defined period of time.

Top image: Opposition MPs will vote on the agenda in the extraordinary plenary session of the National Assembly on August 3, 2020. – MTI / Tamás Kovács
