Index – National – Once again, the Hungarian mayor may be the largest city in Szeklerland


How to pass a long-awaited municipal elections?

Nobody escapes stress; at the same time, it is a great experience to meet people and listen to them. Feedback gives strength. Of course, patience and perseverance are also needed. This is my second campaign, among other things, I learned four years ago how to manage energy.

Is it important for the city to have a Hungarian mayor if the entire administration and administration are Romanian? What makes a humanist, a connoisseur of history, a connoisseur of the past, the inventor of the future?

The most important thing is to put the city in motion. Not just on Election Day, but in general. We have been standing in one place for twenty years. We got into a kind of traffic jam, both literally and figuratively. That needs to change. You don’t have to think of big things for that. There are many good examples in our area, from Cluj-Napoca to Sepsiszentgyörgy, cities that are ahead of us. I’m not ashamed to learn from them!

The public speech, the public speech in Marosvásárhely, anticipates that from next week the mayor of the city will be called Zoltán Soós. Let’s jump forward! It’s Monday morning …

We are not jumping forward. We are waiting for the result. We take the bear seriously. They never drink into your skin in advance.

The Hungarian minority had great but futile hopes for the presidency of Johannis. What do the people of Vásárhely expect of you? Will two Vásárhely still exist, with Hungarian and Romanian pubs, a beach and a market?

Let me not have to rate Iohannis, the president, but I am happy to talk about how great Sibiu was. It showed that as a minority it is also possible to bring development to a city. It is also an answer to how to calm your spirits: with work and performance. I am also preparing for this, not for strong statements. There is a Târgu Mureş, the same problems for Romanians and Hungarians. One city, two great communities. I know this already tastes like a statement so I stay at work.

Your campaign is modern and bilingual. On social media, everywhere, it’s like electing an American president. Who are the campaign staff? And who would your team be made of?

Well, let’s not exaggerate … It was an intense campaign, a fact. In the end, it became a real movement to support what I stand for. Last night I attended an informational meeting for volunteers. There were about a hundred. The others are in the field, that’s why we are so few today, they said apologetically. It was the secret: the work of hundreds of people who, out of illusion, if you will, driven by a desire for change, organized events, social networks, posed, collected signatures, covered the city.

Regarding the second half of the question: I say many times that I am an independent candidate. Only a political interest can dictate: the interest of Târgu Mureş. If agreements have to be reached, I will, of course, as long as they serve the interests of the city. If change wins, the parties must also understand that things cannot turn out the way they have so far. I am confident that we will be able to build a strong coalition around change.

Will there be a messenger in Târgu Mureş that stands out from the region?

The best test of courage would be if we could finally overcome the ethnic vote trap. And the plan is ready, this is my program. If I feel confident, we will start work immediately. It will not happen overnight, we will have to work twenty lost years, import. But if we persevere, we will! Târgu Mureş has all the potential to be among the winners again.
