Index – National – On Monday, parliament can vote on the extension of the emergency


Krisztina Balogh

2021.02.21. 12:33

Parliament will continue its work with a two-day session for the next two weeks. Parliament can vote on the extension of the state of emergency and a bill that the constitutional court says is unconstitutional in its session on Monday.

According to the MTI summary, they will be able to vote on the motion of Judit Varga, Minister of Justice, on the protection proposal against the coronavirus epidemic, which is fundamentally about extending the validity of emergency regulations. The Index also previously wrote that the opposition had stated that it would not vote for an extension despite the fact that in November 2020 sthere was almost complete consensus on this.

Monday’s session will begin at 1:00 p.m. with speeches and interpellations prior to the agenda. They can also vote on the waste management bill, which was approved once in December but was returned as unconstitutional.

They can also decide on the immunity of three members on Monday, in addition to György Simonka and István Tiba from Fidesz, they can also suspend the immunity of Tímea Szabó.
