Index – National – Night Adventures – Oral Debate Mihalec-Puzsér, live broadcast


On Monday night we will broadcast live the first occasion of the Oral Debate debates organized by the Tres Príncipes y Tres Princesas Movement. At Corvinus University in Budapest, family therapist Gábor Mihalec talks to Róbert Puzsér about family and nighttime relationships. The broadcast begins at 7 pm:

“The Orbox topics, which are now starting, are full of life, so we discuss things like late night adventures, body image disorder, the life of germs and vloggers, the sucking power of the virtual world or even family tensions” reveals the statement of the Movement.

Topics for other nights:

October 19, 2020 : Body image trends. Discussion between aerobic trainer Norbert Schobert and youth psychiatrist Bea Pászthy, expert in anorexia
2020. November 3. : Virtual lives: gamers and vloggers
2020 November 17. : Generations: where more worlds meet. Sociologist Levente Székely and a Twenty Year Old Flu Discussion (Moderator: Gábor Gundel Takács)

The nights are organized by Skrabski Fruzsina. You can register here for other occasions in the show series.
