Index – National – New group of public policy experts begins with private donations


A Hungary 2030 He founded a future-oriented intellectual workshop that was presented to the public last week in 2018. Tamás Boros, former director of policy solutions With Ákos Kozák, with the former director of the Market Research Institute GfK Hungária and With Tibor Závecz, together with the owner of ZRI Závecz Research. He joined them Gábor Filippov also a political scientist and historian, he is the director of research at Equilibrium.

The roar of need was created

The idea of ​​founding the Institute of Equilibrium came out of discussions about why there is not (in a unique way compared to European countries) an Anglo-Saxon group of experts in Hungary that deals with the future, makes proposals and develops political materials for decision makers. The founders believe that while there are many well-known analytical institutes in Hungary studying current processes in society, essentially no one is dealing with the future professionally.

However, the think-tank lacks a forward-looking approach mainly from politics, since the campaigns and elections of recent years have developed in such a way that none of the actors has spoken about what kind of country they want to. long term.

This was not always the case, in the late 1990s and early 2000s, early in the century, and the Demos Hungary Foundation, which had been operating for a very short time, had a similar function under the first Gyurcsány government. . The first is now linked to the government and the second has long since ceased to exist.

They called in the rich who were engaged in public affairs.

Abroad, similar think tanks operate in various financing models: some are financed by the State or parties, others are carried out through professional tenders, and there are also those that are supported by the market, with the support of companies and individuals. The Balance Institute belongs to the latter, 90 percent of which operates with private donations.

Entrepreneurs and businessmen have given them money, many times they do not even know which party they are leading, but they want to live in a better country and they do not see their country as successful enough.

In addition to business actors, the grassroots of all parliamentary parties have approached, and about half of them have already supported them, but they want all political organizations to be donors before the end of the year. However, they do not fear that any of their followers will have a voice in their work, they have established in them a strict code of ethics that there will be no influence in exchange for their support.

Orbán and Gyurcsány can’t be happy either

It will be very difficult to place ourselves in any pro-government or opposition narrative

– the institute staff are committed.

On the one hand, they will also address issues such as the importance of a positive national self-awareness, and on the other hand, they would like to draw attention to how terribly the country will lag behind its regional counterparts if we do not invest more in human resources and education.

Placement in existing narratives is also hampered by a book written by Equilibrium staff and published in recent days. Hungary 2030 with the title. Based on their research, they acknowledge, for example, that we are doing quite well in terms of employment compared to other countries, and that inequalities are not more significant in Hungarian society either.

Their goal, rather than a dry complaint, is to show what the country stands for and what needs to be changed. and they seek pragmatic political answers to the most pressing problems.

That is, to move from the vision outlined in the book, through policy proposals, to the formulation of specific bills.

However, the Instituto del Equilibrio has nothing to do with overthrowing or keeping anyone in power, nor does it want to participate in campaigns, so it is left out of daily political analysis. I would like to convey your analysis and main messages to the decision makers of all political parties. At the same time, in their conferences they also try to address the key players in economic life, since they believe that many times they have a greater impact on the life of the country than any politician.

When asked about the Index, they said that they also plan to work on orders for parties or municipalities in the future, but want to implement them with an organizationally segregated team and the orders should not affect their public materials.

(Cover Image: Isza Ferenc / Index)
