Index – National – NAV came, saw and took 250 million from the church of Gábor Iványi


NAV has withdrawn almost 250 million HUF from the church account of NAV Gábor Iványi, the Hungarian Evangelical Brotherhood. This was reported on the Facebook page and the website of the Protection Charity Association. They wrote:

NAV (without waiting for us to receive the sentence or to take our case through all legal forums) today charged our account with HUF 246,131,000 of arrears, which represents the tax burden related to the payment of salaries of each of our institutions .

They added that HUF 90 million was imposed as a penalty for delay.

They also drew attention to the fact that the money taken from them is not used to finance the lending activities of their church, but to try to help the poor.

They also explained that if NAV did not give them a deferment, they would not be able to pay wages in March

About a thousand employees and roughly the same number of families can lose their job opportunities and their livelihoods, not to mention our suppliers and institutions.

In light of this, they asked their national and international supporters to try to help them as much as possible.
