Index – National – National production of rail vehicles is reviving with an extinct variety


Szolnok railway vehicle repair shop has long been engaged not only in splicing and patching old trains, but also in world class vehicles unfold their doors like the Stadler Flirt motor trains and the Kiss double-decker trains; and the IC + cars developed in the country, of which the 50th has been manufactured.

For the special occasion In an online press conference held in 2006, the president and CEO of MÁV stressed that modernization is essential for competitive rail transport.

To renew the long-distance fleet, it is necessary to purchase 115 new locomotives, which can be contracted in spring 2021 in the event of a successful public procurement procedure, and produce another 400-500 IC + cars in the vehicle repair shop. by Szolnok.

He admitted Robert Homolya. This requires a HUF 2 billion development at the county seat. The Orbán government collaborates with ambitious plans: support serves the rejuvenation and quality exchange of the fleet of vehicles in long-distance and international traffic.

The enthusiasm of the mayor of Szolnok is also completely understandable:

The success of Stadler’s Swiss train factory in Szolnok and the very high quality of the work of local workers proved that this is the perfect place to revive national train production.

– said Ferenc Szalay, whose words are backed by the 164-year history of the Szolnok vehicle repair shop. Its main merit is that the first-class car with bistro will be available on the market until early next summer, which MÁV plans to allow passengers to meet during the Lake Balaton season. The design of the control car is also in progress (the first prototype of which will only be marketable in 2024), this a wagon that also has a driver’s seat at the end, so you can control the locomotive at the other end of the train. The main advantage of this is that the locomotive does not have to go around the train at the terminal, which saves time and vehicle.

IC + cars are manufactured with significant national added value. Our goal is that as many people as possible choose public transport and railways, as we work to provide a comfortable, safe and environmentally friendly way of traveling, with increasingly modern fleets, more and more people.

– highlighted József Kerékgyártó, CEO of MÁV-START. Everything is fine, but there is a bump here. Although IC + wagons meet the requirements of modernity, today in Europe a railway wagon pulled by a locomotive is not widely purchased by railway companies, as


Visual design of the IC + / Balázs Lenkei control car

Visual design of the IC + / Balázs Lenkei control car


In long-distance transport, more and more complete power trains are used. Although IC + wagons costing 437 million HUF cost a fraction of the price of a complete power train (for example, the double-decker Kiss costs 5.1 billion HUF), the math works out so well because the unit cost of a single train engine would be about 30 percent lower.

Most of the attacks affect IC + only because of its incredible prices. THE MÁV spent so much money on production that it could have replaced the current obsolete stock with used IC cars, but high quality (no plus), and due to the additional production there was hardly any capacity to recondition the existing cars.

There is also support for power trains.

  • can be controlled from both ends,
  • they are much easier to connect and disconnect,
  • they use the course less,
  • its low floor design is easier to solve,
  • in the high-speed segment, only these can be considered.

And of course they do not need a separate locomotive, of which the Hungarian railway also consists of Czech. The Transport Crowd Association says bluntly that this prestigious project does MÁV more harm than good. Although they received no response to their public interest requests, they have shown from their own surveys that over the past two decades (from the Spanish CAF and the German wagon manufacturer DWA) Similar rail cars purchased are mostly set aside and destroyed on a daily basis. just over half of the existing fleet (56 percent) it will only be marketed. In light of this, less and less can be said that the Hungarian railway is on the right track.
