Index – National – Nagy Blanka left the Momentum


Big Blanka came out of the Momentum, learned the Immediate.

The page writes:

The decision may be based on the fact that Blanka the Great cannot be the party’s candidate in the 2022 parliamentary elections.

Although Momentum held a delegates meeting on Sunday, where the identities of the candidates were also discussed, the party’s press officer denied the Index.that on Sunday a decision was made on Blanka Nagy’s candidacy.

The assembly of delegates voted on the 2022 electoral strategy. Momentum establishes a common list with other opposition parties.

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Momentum decided on Sunday to call for a joint opposition list.

Delegate meetings are also preceded by weeks of informal campaigns elsewhere. Thus, Blanka Nagy also had the opportunity to assess how many support her candidacy within the party. By resigning, you are already certain that you will not run in 2022 as a Momentum candidate.

Blanka Nagy made herself known at the end of 2018, when in a demonstration in December she formulated a fundamental opinion about President János Áder and the representatives of Fidesz. The words of the then 18-year-old were immediately picked up by the press, and there were many attacks on Nagy Blanka for her statement about the President of the Republic.

A 19-year-old student speaking at the protests is being attacked by the government press

It is written that it falls from various objects, Blanka Nagy says that this is not true.

The reaction was followed by a counter reaction. The opposition immediately took under its wings Blanka the Great, who suddenly came into the spotlight of domestic politics.

The name of Blanka Nagy, a student known for the demonstrations, also appeared as a candidate for MEP in the MSZP

However, the MSZP president denied that the idea was ultimately rejected by Tibor Szanyi.

Blanka Nagy first appeared around the MSZP, and then the DK wooed the high school girl around her. In the 2019 European Parliament election campaign

He also met Frans Timmermans.

He finally joined Momentum. When he entered, he said:

So, little by little after a year, I decided. I will continue my political career with the purple color of the Momentum Movement. Because I saw in them an opportunity that could guide the current situation in the direction of change.

Blanka Nagy then stood in the 2019 municipal elections as a candidate for the opposition to municipal representation in Kiskunfélegyháza. However, he received only 20 percent of the vote, 47 votes, for which he did not win a seat.
