Index – National – Müller Cecília: Let’s buy for the elderly


The police must not wear the mask. From an epidemiological point of view, we must now be disciplined

Cecília Müller began her press conference on Wednesday morning. The national chief physician recalled that we are in a “very intense” stage of the epidemic and that the current situation does not spare Hungary either, so everything must be done to flatten the curve of the epidemic. The national medical director also presented the data: in the last 24 hours, the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) was detected in 3,945 new Hungarian citizens, thus increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 122,863. Most of the 101 deaths were chronically elderly patients, bringing the number of deaths recorded to 2,697 since the start of the epidemic.

Coronavirus infection continues to cause death in chronically elderly patients

Cecília Müller pointed out.

He also spoke about the fact that the youngest of the 101 deaths was 31 years old and the oldest 99 years old.

and they said they couldn’t detect an underlying disease in 7 percent of those who died. He continued his report saying that there are currently 6,352 coronavirus patients in the hospital, 473 of whom are on respirators, so reducing the burden on the health care system is important, he explained.

According to the national medical director, if we can’t stay a meter and a half from others somewhere, wear a mask, as it can reduce the transmission of infection by 80 percent, even in asymptomatic cases.

The mask also protects from two sides when used from both sides. This is mutual protection for everyone.

– formulated and emphasized that

Capacities have been expanded since Tuesday, now treating coronavirus patients at any hospital.

Cecília Müller drew attention to the fact that difficult times are ahead because regulations are affecting everyone’s life. There are relatives, he continued, who need much more attention than before. Such are the elderly who live alone and also need to be protected from isolation, so he asked us to give them spiritual help to cope with the situation. He stressed that if we live far from our elderly relatives, we ask for the help of our neighbors, but recalled that local governments also help if necessary.

Cecília Müller encouraged us to shop for the elderly and teach them how to use telemedicine tools. He also called it important for maintaining our well-being in addition to physical health, and in these difficult times, more and more attention should be paid to this.

Tamás Schanda, Parliamentary and Strategic Secretary of State of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM), spoke about the fact that according to the government decree on economic protection measures during emergencies, restaurants can only deliver or dispense food and beverages for thirty days. , hospital and school dining rooms, buffets.

Leisure facilities should also be closed.

He emphasized that hotels can only receive business travelers or those who arrive for educational purposes, they can also provide catering services exclusively for them. Tamás Schanda emphasized that measures to curb the spread of the infection are causing difficulties for the economy in all countries, but the hospitality, hotel and leisure sectors have suffered and continue to suffer much more damage than the average.

The Secretary of State also referred to the fact that the restrictions are in effect for a period of thirty days,

the new grants and exemptions apply to the month of November.

Companies and employees in the hospitality and leisure sector are assisted with tax breaks and wage subsidies. Speaking of tax exemptions, the Secretary of State said: these companies are exempt from paying social contribution tax and vocational training and rehabilitation contributions, and in the case of small business taxpayers, personal payments are not included in the tax base.

Speaking of the salary subsidy, he said that the subsidy rate is fifty percent of the employee’s gross salary, and two conditions must be met for the company to receive it, that the employee is not fired and receives his salary.

He noted that they try not to impose “unnecessarily long administrative work” on those applying for sectoral wage subsidies, so companies must submit it to the county or capital government office, and a decision will be made on their application within eight days.

Related documentation is already available on the interface.

In the hospitality and leisure sector, activities are involved that necessarily imply increasingly intense personal contact, either by employees or service users. The exact areas and corresponding TEÁOR numbers can be found in the Hungarian Gazette.

Tamás Schanda also said that in addition to the contribution discount and the salary subsidy, it is another relief for those who deal with the hospitality industry that, like the spring situation, the administrative burden of home delivery will be reduced and it will be possible to include taxi drivers in the delivery. This is also a good opportunity for passenger carriers to recover lost traffic, he noted, adding that during the first wave of the coronavirus epidemic, operators were happy with this measure and therefore decided to reintroduce it.

The secretary of state said that accommodation providers will also receive a significant amount of support, and that the state will reimburse them 80 percent of their net income for reservations registered with the National Tourist Information Center over the next thirty days. say, until December 11.

In this sector, support is also available if the company does not lay off its employees and also pays their wages.

Tamás Schanda emphasized that the government is committed to a work-based economy even in the event of an epidemic.

Police Colonel Róbert Kiss drew attention to the rules of wearing a mask. He stressed that the rules introduced so far will remain in force, so everyone is required to wear a mask on public transport, stops, libraries, the complete list can be read by clicking here. He also spoke about the fact that the mask must be used regularly to cover both the nose and the mouth, and if someone does not use it correctly, they must be excluded from the trip or asked to leave the territory of a particular institution.

He also spoke about the power of mayors to regulate the rules for wearing masks in areas with more than ten thousand inhabitants. On the curfew, he said that everyone must remain in their place of residence, stay or accommodation.

Only work or competitive sports can be an exception to this.

To be exempt from the prohibition, it is necessary to fill in the form, which can be found at, among others, and its validity is valid until it is revoked, and the certificate must be presented at the request of the police.

Dog walking is allowed even after eight o’clock at night within 500 meters of the residence.

He also detailed the other rules, which we write about in detail here.

(Cover image: Cecília Müller. Photo: Government of Hungary / Facebook)
