Index – National – More than two hundred coronaviruses in a social institution in Veszprém county


According to data from October 26, 202 people were infected with the coronavirus at the Integrated Institution for People with Disabilities, Psychiatric Patients and Addictions in Veszprém county, 9 of them are currently being treated in the hospital, the rest of the, Fazekas Andrea the Indexet. He also mentioned that the coronavirus test of 54 workers was positive.

The institution acts in accordance with the current procedures of the National Center for Public Health and the instructions issued by the Ministry of Human Resources to prevent the spread of infection.

Andrea Fazekas said in response to our request.

The core activities of the Veszprém County institution include, but are not limited to, care for the disabled, psychiatric, addicted and disabled patients, and other habilitation and rehabilitation services.

On Monday in parliament, Lajos Rig, a right-wing man, spoke in an hour of immediate questions about the fact that a week earlier he had received information that the coronavirus epidemic had also affected a director of a state employment agency in Darva. He also said that he had addressed a written question to the Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi) in this regard.

In her parliamentary staff response, Eszter Zsuzsanna Vitályos, Secretary of State for EU Development Policy at the Ministry of Human Resources (EMMI), said

that an epidemiological focal point would have been developed at the DarvTA employment institute, but they will investigate it and all necessary epidemiological measures will be taken and enforced.

In his reply, Lajos Rig said that after a written question sent to Emmi, the tests began at the Darva Institute last Thursday and Friday, and according to his first information, 102 of the 120 tests were positive.

In a letter to Miklós Kásler, Minister of Human Resources, signed on October 21, Lajos Rig reported that according to employees of the Darvastó site, several workers and caregivers had been infected with the virus. He asked the minister for an answer on when the full test of the institution was expected.

Unfortunately, there are those who have been hooked up to a fan. Since people in nursing homes and social institutions are also at risk, greater protection would be necessary.

Wrote the right-wing deputy.

Since the institution in question has several sites (Dáka, Kamond, Lesencetomaj, Nyírlak, Fenyveserdő home Veszprém, Gondozóház Veszprém, Darvastó), the Index asked the Veszprém County Section of the General Directorate of Social Affairs and Child Protection involved in coronavirus infection.

If we receive a reply, we will update our article.

(Top image: Entrance to Veszprém County Integrated Institution for Disabled, Psychiatric and Addicted Patients in Dhaka. Photo: Google Street View)
