Index – National – MOK President: A more rational structure in health care


The pandemic revealed structural failures in the supply system, unused capacities and, above all, the need to increase the adaptability of the system. There is a need for a more intelligent and flexible structure and the maintenance of capacities without reserve, the president of the Hungarian Medical Chamber (MOK) told MedicalOnline.

According to Gyula Kincses, “with a bit of hype, the government included the MOK salary scale in the legislation” and also sided with the camera by withdrawing thank you money. The president of the MOK considered that “the viral situation put medical care at the center of attention” also contributed to achieve results and initiate change, so the government recognized that the reforms could not be postponed and had to seek a professional alliance with the medical community.

At the same time, the heads of the chamber were persecuted for the fact that they only had four hours to review the working material of the draft Law on Legal Relations of the Health Service, which also contained severe clauses that offended medical interests.

Gyula Kincses indicated that among the most disturbing issues for colleagues, the MOK achieved a real result in secondment, since the two-year secondment without restrictions in the law was extended to a maximum of 44 days a year, and it was also possible determine who cannot be assigned. .

On the other hand, “on the other painful subject”, no results have been achieved regarding second jobs, even if it is not a ban but a permit to allow the doctor to work elsewhere in addition to his full-time job, said the president of MOK. He said that the 8-day deadline to do so could not be enforced, so he expected the permits to be issued automatically.

The president also lacks the transparency necessary to withdraw the thank you money from the system, a good social campaign would be considered more effective by the chamber than test buyer commands.

The chamber is not yet aware of the complex planned healthcare reform, but it does know that they want to use the new hospital management structure that is being set up for a real functional assessment and possibly capacity rationalization. According to the president, there are signs that hospital funding is moving towards a grassroots solution. Incidentally, the camera also sees several signs of positive displacement in the pop-up system. Furthermore, even Sándor Pintér’s most linear tendency to order is not considered real by the devil, there is so much uncertainty in the system after the transformations of the last years.

However, they regret that all the details about the state are not yet known.
