Index – National – Miklós Kásler said when a vaccine could be manufactured here in Hungary


Early next year, the Minister of Human Resources made the coronavirus vaccine likely in Hungary at his annual hearing at the Parliament’s Public Welfare Committee on Tuesday. Miklós Kásler stated that a vaccine that is not effective and causes complications will not be marketed in Hungary.

We still don’t know everything about coronavirus vaccines, but there are at least 6-7 vaccines in the advanced research phase and we are close to having professionals review their files

– Said the minister, pointing out at the same time: there are still many questions about vaccines, so it is not known how long they will give, they will be given protection, if a vaccine or two is needed. When asked by MPs, Miklós Kásler said that “in all probability there will be a vaccine early next year” in Hungary.

Regarding the reproduction rate (R value) of the coronavirus, he said that

in October, this value was almost two, while now it has dropped to around 0.8-0.9

– can be read in the MTI report. Miklós Kásler said that

In 78 of the 138 hospitals, coronavirus patients are cared for and hospitals have been prepared to receive patients as planned.

“If only a drastic change does not take place, medical care can keep the front,” said the minister. and 790 billion has been budgeted for next year, which means that the government will increase funding for this sector by 143 percent between 2010 and 2021.

There are 23,000 young people in child protective care, 15,000 in foster care and 8,000 in institutions. According to the minister, from 2020 the adoptive parents’ home will be available to adoptive parents, which was used by 683 adoptive parents.

Starting this year, three new forms of family support for adoptions came into force;

the adoption rate is 225,000 HUF gross per month, the one-time maternity allowance is 64,000 HUF; the adoption rate is 28,500 HUF per month.

The adoption process has also been streamlined, he explained. He also spoke about one of the government’s goals to provide independent housing for people with disabilities instead of large institutions, as well as to get them to work in the labor market.

The government also spends more on Christmas meals each year, the minister said, adding that while in 2010 it reached 28.7 billion guilders, by 2020 it was 82.5 billion. It also reported that the employment rate for people with disabilities has increased from 18 percent in 2010 to 44 percent in 2020, with 155,000 people with disabilities currently in employment.

Miklós Kásler pointed out that two years ago the government announced a new health culture with an emphasis on prevention. Five national programs have been established that focus on cancer, musculoskeletal, circulatory and mental health and their prevention, and a pediatric program has been established.

They have a delivery period of at least ten years, so the success of these programs will only be visible in the coming years.

– thinks Miklós Kásler. He added: Specific breast and colon cancer screenings have been launched. In relation to the latter, he announced that the investigations had begun with the participation of 1,700 general practitioners and 55 laboratories. A unit package suitable for sampling was received by 200,000 people. Of these, 12,000 had to undergo a colonoscopy and an early-stage tumor was found in 1,234 people.

In primary care, the government aims to strengthen communities of practice and group practices. Two tenders were held last year to strengthen communities of practice, and there are currently 126 communities of practice. If we want to cover the whole country with this type of cooperation, we need to create a thousand systems of equipment of this type.

Said the Minister. He also announced that the Hungarian village program will receive support of HUF 18 billion for the renovation or construction of 190 medical offices, medical facilities in 783 villages will be expanded, and family doctors will use new service apartments in 13 settlements.

Miklós Kásler also spoke about the fact that 254 ambulances were replaced in 2019-2020, in addition, ambulance stations were modernized or new ones were built in many places in the country. In addition, the acquisition of nine helicopters also significantly modernized air rescue.

In his view, emergency care has worked well since the transformation, the family midwifery establishment is also ongoing from HUF 10 billion, and as of 2019, the electronic health services (Eest) space has also expanded. . As you said, 250,000 dispensing events and 800,000 e-prescriptions per day are logged in the “cloud.”

The head of the ministry also mentioned the increase in salaries for workers and nurses. As you said,

Workers can expect a 72 percent salary increase by January 2022 compared to the 2018 base. Medical salaries, at the proposal of the Hungarian Medical Chamber, will increase by three rates, thus increasing 2.5 times by 2023.

Miklós Kásler responded to the MP’s suggestions that many educators and health workers go to work because they do not receive full sick pay for the duration of the illness: sick pay is 100 percent. Also in response to a question from MPs, he said that when medical students are transferred, the host hospital must provide them with accommodation and meals.
