Index – National – Miklós Kásler designated new epidemiological hospitals in half of the country


Miklós Kásler, Minister of Human Resources, has expanded the range of institutions involved in the care of patients with coronavirus with six rural hospitals, the Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi) told the MTI on Sunday.

As throughout Europe, the coronavirus epidemic is in an abrupt phase in Hungary. The number of infections is growing dynamically in the countries around us and also in Hungary. Therefore, six more rural hospitals will receive patients in the future: Ödön Jávorszky Hospital in Vác, Ferenc Toldy Hospital in Cegléd, Vaszary Kolos Hospital in Esztergom, Albert Schweitzer Hospital in Hatvan, St. Rókus Hospital in Baja and the Orosháza Hospital. These institutions must be prepared to serve Covid patients with 20 percent of the total number of beds financed.

Miklós Kásler instructed hospitals that have been involved in the care of Covid patients to prepare 30 percent of their total number of funded beds for the care of Covid-certified patients and suspected Covid patients by Friday, October 30, instead of 20 percent.

The Minister of Human Resources also instructed the head of the National Ambulance Service that if the capacity of the health care provider designated as the main responsible is saturated, patients infected by Covid and suspected of Covid who require hospital care should be admitted to the institutions of health care designated as secondary and tertiary. to deliver.

In Budapest and Pest County, there are 3 + 1 hospitals among the primary institutions and 11 among the designated secondary institutions. Outside the territory of Budapest and Pest counties, patients with confirmed severe and moderate Covid infection and suspected Covid patients requiring hospital care should be transported mainly to a total of 12 hospitals, secondly to 6 institutions and to 9 institutions as external administrators: read Emmi’s statement.

Dramatic jump in the number of infected: 3,149 new patients and 35 deaths

There are 2,449 hospitalized coronavirus patients, 221 of whom are on ventilators.

(Cover image: Bruzák Noémi / MTI)
