Index – National – Merkely: we made the same mistake as in the United States


Béla Merkely, rector of the University of Semmelweis, explains the drastic increase in the number of cases during the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic with a certain human characteristic.

“Now there is a big epidemic, and it is a small feature that has developed,” Merkely explained to the Index, which was not at all surprised by the sharp jump in the number of cases in recent days.

All this is because if people do not believe that there is an epidemic, this will be the consequence. Unfortunately, discipline has loosened.

– at the request of the Rector of SOTE.

Whereas in the spring the Hungarian people behaved in a very disciplined way, and so we escaped the first wave with a small loss, according to Merkely, now we are experiencing the opposite.

According to the expert

now the same thing is happening to us as in the United States.

In Member States where Americans have weathered the first wave in a disciplined and law-abiding manner, the second wave is wreaking havoc. Why? Because as a result of successful defense, people do not believe that the epidemic is serious and trust themselves to relax, said the rector. He added that this is an understandable and explainable human trait, and we Hungarians also made this mistake.

“The situation is that it is not easy to demand a few months later the same strict discipline that people witnessed in April and May. Now we have to pull ourselves together, which will not be easy, but for the second time this year, we have to be very, very disciplined and fully comply with health rules, ”said Merkely.
