Index – National – Medical Technology Association: Government Will Pay Overdue Hospital Debts!


The Medical Association (OSZ) is calling on the government to take steps to pay overdue debts to health centers as soon as possible.

Together, the epidemic and non-performing loans are causing serious management difficulties for almost 4,500 micro, small and medium-sized companies, almost without exception.

provides healing conditions with its means and services,

the operation of the Hungarian healthcare – contains communication.

They add that, according to the Hungarian State Treasury, the overdue debt of the health system was HUF 45.7 billion at the end of November.

The Covid-19 pandemic affected all economic operators. Preparing hospitals for the epidemic, including postponing a significant portion of elective surgeries, that is, reducing care, also significantly reduced turnover of hospital providers. The companies have done their best to keep their tens of thousands of employees despite the difficulties, but the current situation is already unsustainable for many of them, they said.

Attention was drawn to the vital importance of ensuring a high and continuous level of health care in the event of an epidemic. Early and full debt settlement is also necessary to guarantee patient care and maintain the viability of the provider companies.
