Index – National – Mayor of Perkáta resigned, a deputy mayor and a representative


The Mayor of Perkáta in Fejér County, Balázs Somogyi, the Deputy Mayor Anikó Bogó and the local government representative László Szilasy resigned with effect from 30 September. All three received a mandate as candidates for the Cidesz-KDNP Association for Civic Cooperation last October.

We would have endured that, as individuals and local officials, we would have experienced many baseless accusations and humiliations from one of the new members, and in many cases even threatened our members, political violence, personal destruction, sword stabbing, throat biting. . But the activity and loyalty of recognized and recognized professionals to Perkáta was also questioned, with the prospect of bringing people and companies out of the settlement here.

They wrote. Referring to the lack of investment in their statement on the village website, they highlighted that they were not involved in the destruction of Perkáta. They highlighted that last year was marked by indecision, deceiving constituency voters in October with the “pseudo-independence” of other members of the board and “serving the interests of the national opposition parties against the interests of their own. settlement, Perkáta ”.

However, until the election of the new mayor, the acting mayor will be appointed by Mr. Mihály Sarok, Deputy Mayor, in accordance with the legislation and our own SZMSZ. in order to

– He declared in his statement.
