Index – National – MÁV: international trains will not lie


From September 1 until the revocation, the railway company will suspend the service of sleeping cars, reclining cars and dining cars in international traffic, and MÁV-Start will replace the former with seated cars, writes MTI.

According to the information, there are still no restrictions on train traffic on international time, but a dining car will no longer operate on the Hungária EuroCity train No. 172/173 that runs from Budapest to the Western-Hamburg train station and vice versa. Furthermore, on the Kálmán Imre-Wiener Walzer EuroNight 462/463 train pair between Budapest-Keleti-München / Zürich, sleeping and sleeping cars will not start on Sunday nights.

They added that the Vienna and Terespol dining cars, which were scheduled to restart on September 5, are no longer available. The railway company offers passengers with a flat ticket or sleeper a small package as compensation, because they have to make the night trip in seated cars. The package includes a sandwich, a cocoa snail, 1-1 carbonated and non-carbonated mineral water, juice, napkin and hand sanitizer cloth.

According to the announcement, due to government measures to restrict international travel, MÁV-Start will refund the price of September international tickets with no handling costs, regardless of the destination country, if the passenger cancels the trip. Attention was drawn to the need to cover your mouth and nose on public transport, including trains, to prevent the spread of the coronavirus epidemic.
