Index – National – Máté Kocsis: The country would have stopped long ago if the government had accepted the advice of Ferenc Gyurcsány


If the government had accepted the advice of Ferenc Gyurcsány, the country would have stopped a long time ago: Máté Kocsis, the leader of the Fidesz faction, reacted on his Facebook page on Saturday to the registration of the president of the Democratic Coalition (DK) on Saturday.

As we wrote, Ferenc Gyurcsány wrote on his community page: “If we don’t try enough now, the whole country can be shut down. And only the government can do that. “Therefore, DK demands free coronavirus tests so that the country does not shut down. In a video message, Ferenc Gyurcsány said that Hungary does not follow the World Health Organization protocol, according to which so many tests must be carried out so that the proportion of positive tests does not exceed 5 per cent.This was last fulfilled in early September.

In response, Máté Kocsis stated that

It is difficult for the dog to calmly accept Gyurcsány’s education and other lies. If the government had accepted his alleged advice, the country would have stopped long ago.

– quotes the leader of the Fidesz faction as MTI. The politician Fidesz added: the leader of the left “After the austerity of the summer, he turned the pseudo-news factory around.” Máté Kocsi added, Ferenc Gyurcsány is not about that “It was he and his men who had the longest wheelbase in the fight against the epidemic.”

They did not support the extension of the emergency, they did not vote against the coronavirus law, they directed medical care with camouflage videos and they defamed Hungary abroad.

He said, adding that labs have so far performed more than 860,000 PCR tests according to international standards, most for free.

Thanks to the health workers!

– The leader of the Fidesz faction closed his message to Ferenc Gyurcsány.
