Index – National – Mária Schmidt’s family real estate profit increased by almost two thirds


The earnings of Budapest Real Estate Utilization and Development (BIF) Plc. They increased by sixty-two percent, 1.8 billion HUF compared to the same period last year – the world economy is striking. The company’s sales increased by HUF 100 million to HUF 2.76 billion.

According to a statement from the director of the House of Terror Museum, a family business, Mária Schmidt, the profit after taxes between January and June increased to such an extent, mainly due to the sale of lots and condominiums in Harsány. Regarding the use of real estate, revenues soared mainly due to the Városmajor35 Office Building acquired at the beginning of the year.

The announcement of BIF Plc. It also notes that although development activity in the office market increased, demand fell 38 percent due to the coronavirus epidemic, and rental growth slowed. Also, more and more companies are switching to telecommuting, which may mean they only want smaller offices.
