Index – National – Lőrinc Nacsa: Lajos Korózs is not worthy of leading the committee that discusses the report of the operational staff


Government parties consider socialist politician Lajos Korózs unworthy to lead a public welfare committee discussing the operational tribe report, a spokesman for the KDNP faction said on behalf of government parties in Budapest on Monday.

At L prensarinc Nacsa’s press conference, he recalled that recently Lajos Korózs, president of the Parliamentary Commission for Social Welfare of the MSZP Parliament, started another hearing of the representatives of the operational court before the board, writes MTI. According to the report, Lőrinc Nacsa indicated that the government parties could support the hearing, since they held it in the middle of the epidemic, “there is something to talk about.” During the first wave, the ruling parties initiated the hearing several times, says the politician.

As he said, Colonel Tibor Lakatos and National Medical Director Cecília Müller, representing the operative tribe, were ready for the parliamentary committee despite hard work and answered the often provocative questions from left-wing MPs for many hours, reacting clearly to political attacks.

We therefore support the invitation, but firmly believe that Lajos Korózs is not worthy of holding a hearing on the fight against the epidemic.

– Lőrinc Nacsa said, adding that in his opinion, Lajos Korózs was enough during the epidemic to “order and produce a camouflage video” with which he wanted to run over the ambulances and health workers involved in the defense. Although his “camouflage shot with the life preserver” failed ugly, he has not apologized since, he said.

It does not diminish that the left is camouflaging, obstructing and attacking the defense and those involved in the defense, while the epidemiological authority, the national chief physician, the police, health and other organizations have been working tirelessly since January to save the as many lives as possible. and the country can work

Said the KDNP politician. When asked by Lőrinc Nacsa that leftist parties did not vote on Monday to toughen fines for violations of the official home quarantine, he said that he considered these adjustments important to protect people’s health and simplify matters for the authorities.

The left continues where it left off in the spring, first withdrawing from national unity, fighting the epidemic and then beginning to contain it. They attacked the professionals involved in the protection of health, health workers and epidemiological authorities in their person, faith and work. They tried to hinder the defense with camouflage videos and camouflage news, they cannot be counted on. Even now, they have said no to simplifying the work of the authorities and tightening the epidemiological rules.

He thought. On the fact that László Varju, representative of DK, said that democracy was and could be demonstrated in 2006, and now it is not, he reacted as follows:

the Democratic Coalition and the entire left are watching a “completely different movie.” They are already there to decorate the bloody events of 2006 as a celebration of democracy.

He also mentioned that Jobbik even posted a joint video with Ferenc Gyurcsány on his Facebook page on October 23. He recalled that when he participated in the movements in 2006, he saw right-wingers who were now members of parliament and then faced a repressive, sword-armed power that sold off the sovereignty of Hungary and fired on the people. Now he would help the same people return to power. He also added that

Ferenc Gyurcsány, the leader of the opposition, wants to falsify history, and his well-tried henchmen like László Varju are happy to help. Today there is democracy in Hungary, it can be demonstrated by complying with the legal framework; In 2006, it was precisely those who should have complied with the law who broke the law.
