Index – National – Little Count is no longer Little Count


“Many times today I still ask the question: Dad, where are you? Where are you? That’s when I feel like he’s telling me about the afterlife, he whispers to me that he’s fine now and to calm down, that everything is in the best order, “Little Count told Ripost.

The newspaper recalls that László Kozák, that is, Count the Great, was already preparing to celebrate his 50th birthday, but at the end of last year he caught the coronavirus and died. Three months after the tragedy, Little Count spoke again. When asked if he could ever process the loss, he said:

Impossible, but we must take strength in ourselves. He also wants us to look forward to being strong. There is one thing that helps alleviate our pain: knowing that the Good Lord is already doing upstairs causes him happy moments.

He added that he and his brother are now trying to take great care of their mother, he is the light in her eyes and even though his family has been together until now, it is now his job to keep everyone together.

We have always had great cohesion, but now it has become even stronger. And it will stay that way forever. As an older child, I assumed the role of head of the family at the age of 27. I am no longer the Little Earl, I have become the Great Earl. My job is to keep the family together, but it’s not difficult because everyone wants that.

He also talked about the fact that sometimes he gets completely frustrated, in which case he clings to faith.

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