Index – National – Lacinc Nacsa from the opposition list: Gyurcsány is the author, Soros is the client


In addition to the leaders of the European Union, György Soros also set the course for the Hungarian left, and then believed in the common list of the left: this was what KDP deputy Lőrinc Nacsa, who spoke to the MTI on Saturday, He spoke on behalf of the ruling parties.

Among other things, Lőrinc Nacsa reacted to the fact that on Wednesday the opposition parties addressed a joint appeal to the President of the European Council and the European Commission, stating that Viktor Orbán and his government were not equal to Hungary.

György Soros made it clear once again that “action must be taken against Hungary,” said the spokesman for the KDNP faction. Declared by:

So the Soros list is being prepared: writes Ferenc Gyurcsány, the leader of the left, György Soros the client, from DK to MSZP, Jobbik, LMP and Momentum to Gergely Karácsony’s party, they will all sign up.

A pro-government politician says left-wing parties are united by support for immigration,

like György Soros he attacks Hungary because the Hungarians said no to immigration.

György Soros’s name will also appear in the Facebook post by Zoltán Kovács, Secretary of State for International Communications, on Saturday, suggesting that Péter Bacsó’s classic film satire will uncover a parallel. The witness between his well-known sentence and the activity of the “Soros Choir” in Brussels: this is not a confession but a trial.

In an interview with Hír TV, the Secretary of State described the criteria of the rule of law as a “political baton” and again explained the inadequacy of the Vice President of the European Commission, Věra Jourova, who said that she had lied about freedom of Hungarian press and media relations.

In a Facebook post yesterday, he was also outraged that “according to Soros’s loyal ally” there should be a basic expectation that funds raised with EU taxpayer money should go to places where the rule of law does not. is threatened.

He added that he believes VmeRa Jourová insulted “the Hungarians” earlier by calling Hungary a “sick democracy”.
