Index – National – Kásler: sad that anti-Christianity hit Hungary


In his Facebook post, the Human Resources minister wrote that referring to the murders in France

It is inconceivable that those who openly assume their faith and convictions on our continent are afraid of their lives today.

In this regard, he points out: sad that

It was during this catastrophic period that anti-Christianity also emerged in Hungary, and my colleague, Cecília Müller, a national medical director, was held accountable for visibly assuming her faith in the performance of her duties.

“Secularization as such”

Péter Szegő, a journalist from Népszava, wrote in a Facebook post that has since been removed that “if I were the Prime Minister, I would ask the Citizen of the Nation to be kind enough to remove the cross from his neck during his public appearances. Secularization as such “.

By the way, Cecília Müller has been a lay member of the Assumption of Nagyvenyim parish since 2009.

At the end of his post, Miklós Kásler quotes former French Prime Minister Robert Schuman:

Europe will be Christian or not.
