Index – National – János Slavik: We can only breathe in summer


We live in the most severe days of the coronavirus epidemic, there are more people infected than ever and there are many people in the hospital, the main infectious disease specialist at South Pest Central Hospital told public media. János Szlávik emphasized that the third wave of the epidemic is still on the rise, based on previous experience, the spread of the virus may start to slow in mid-April, late April, and maybe we can breathe at some point in the month. summer.

The chief physician added that the Easter period is particularly dangerous because the infection runs in families, in places where people do not wear a mask. Similarly, there are many infected people in European countries, which is because vaccinations are not progressing fast enough and vaccination is stagnant in many European countries.

Hungary can vaccinate many more people with its current vaccines than many other European countries, but this is not enough at the moment.

– said János Szlávik, who said that it is good to have as many registered, safe and effective vaccines as possible, so they were happy to receive the news that two more vaccines can be vaccinated in Hungary. He said it was a correct move to incorporate the vaccination of educators and asked everyone involved to register to receive the vaccine.

John Slavik confirmed that it can now be stated that Pfizer-The BioNTech and Moderna vaccines can be safely administered to pregnant women. SUBWAYHe noted that over time, more and more mutations appear in the coronavirus, but current vaccines provide protection against all of them, if not just as effectively.
