Index – National – János Slavik: This virus is not the virus


This virus is no longer the virus that appeared in Hungary last spring, it has changed since then, said the head doctor of the main department of the South-Pest Center Hospital on the ATV Straight Talk program. János Slavik added that the coronavirus spreads more easily, attacks the very young and it is not uncommon today for young people in their 30s to wear ventilators.

He also spoke about how the epidemic is spreading among children, noting that the virus is a bit more aggressive now than before. He also stressed that it is not possible to know what the future holds, nor the next two weeks, nor does anyone know when the peak of the third wave will be.

János Slavik also spoke about vaccines, saying that AstraZeneca was previously only recommended for those under 60, but today it is said to be good for the elderly as well. The Chinese vaccine, he said, could be given to anyone under the age of 60, but Sputnik said it was not recommended for chronic patients. He highlighted that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are being offered to older people in Hungary for the first time.

He said about the Johnson and Johnson vaccine that it is likely to be available in Hungary in a few weeks, and since it is enough to deliver one vaccine, it can make the body more resistant to mutants.
