Index – National – János Slavik: The most terrible symptom is drowning


“No one can say what will happen,” John Slavik told Mandiner about the coronavirus. The chief infectologist at South Pest Central Hospital also informed the newspaper about the course of the disease and the hardening. According to him, its effect will only be felt after two weeks. János Slavik is not very pro-school, not only because the virus is less dangerous for children, but also if

primary schools would be closed, all professionals, nurses, young doctors would stay home with the child and this would be a tragedy for medical care

– Said the expert, who said that parents should not worry about their children, but about themselves and their grandparents.

The infectologist also highlighted the need to take the situation seriously:

this virus is not a game, even moderate cases complain that they are very sick and very weak for a long time, cough, have terrible symptoms.

It says about the course of the disease: the most terrible symptom is suffocation.

The most horrible experience in a person’s life is that even if you take a breath, you don’t get enough, it feels like “sitting on your chest.” Such patients are first treated with oxygen therapy, if not used then a ventilator is unavoidable.

He also spoke about the big difference between the coronavirus and the flu. While the latter is a respiratory viral disease with bacterial complications, the coronavirus is dangerous in itself, as it can cause pneumonia, myocardial infarction, or stroke only without complications.

Regarding the fact that 3.3 percent of health workers have become coronavirus since the outbreak began, he said that this is a good proportion compared to Europe. He stressed that those who became ill did not get the virus in hospitals, but at home or from others.

Since the start of the epidemic, we have lost most of our compatriots on November 7 to a coronavirus, with 107 deaths in one day. In the last 24 hours, Covid-19 has claimed 103 lives.

János Slavik explains with the law of large numbers that it is inevitable that so many victims have young victims:

It can also be a red flag for virus skeptics who may see that they vainly believe that only older people die as a result of infection, which is not true. These are some of the dead youth.

The expert emphasized.
