Index – National – János Slavik: I don’t see where the end is


I don’t see where the end is, I just hope we’re not even 80 percent full, ”János Slavik, chief physician in the Department of Infectious Diseases at South Pest Central Hospital, told Forbes about health capacity. As said, it is a good idea to build plus hospitals, but this system will only work if you have staff to operate it.

No one knows how long the number of cases will increase, most are now waiting for December, I wish the plateau would arrive in November

The infectologist said, adding that the vaccine was already here at the door. Regarding the coronavirus vaccine, János Szlávik said that it is already being tested in several countries, so when the results of the tests that support the effectiveness of the preparation arrive, they should be millions. The chief physician of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Central South Pest Hospital highlighted:

It can only be controlled with an iron fist when the traffic morale is the same as in Hungary. In such a situation, only the government should be able to make people follow the rules, not

He said, then commented on digital education. As he said himself, “he’s not a great believer” in closing the school.

Sure, digital education is great if it works, but it’s not that simple because parents have to stay home. With me too, the nurses, the doctors can’t stay home with the child, or if they did, it would be a serious problem, they would immediately lose a nurse or two.

The infectologist explained. He considered the Slovak test to be:

Testing is good if you have strong contact research and follow-up at the same time. Everyone in Slovakia is now being evaluated. I disagree with him because the rapid antigen test sees an extremely tight period. We have a good place with ambulances because they go to the sick from the beginning, they get a check-up for when they get to the hospital, it is very useful. But I wouldn’t use it for absolute detection.
