Index – National – János Slavik: AstraZeneca vaccine can be administered safely


János Szlávik, infectologist at South Pest Central Hospital answered the students’ questions on Kossuth Radio’s Tuesday morning show. Among other things, the specialist spoke about the AstraZeneca vaccination, which has already been suspended in several European countries.

Anyone who has already received it can accept it a second time. Pharmaceutical manufacturers are cautious, of course, but so far there is no indication that anyone should be concerned if they just have normal reactions to the vaccination, i.e. fever, headache, or fatigue. For now, Hungary has decided that everyone can safely take the second vaccine.

Slavic - Not even visible when the third wave can peak.

According to the infectologist, it is beneficial that more and more older people get vaccinated.

One student complained that the Chinese vaccine caused symptoms for longer than necessary. According to János Slavik, it is natural for vaccination to produce symptoms, but these usually disappear within a day. If it spreads further and the patient has respiratory or similar problems, they may contract the coronavirus a day or two later. We are not even protected immediately after the vaccine, we have to watch ourselves for a few weeks, “said the specialist.

It is increasingly difficult for hospitals to receive patients with coronavirus

The pressure on the health system increases day by day due to the rapid spread of the epidemic.

The specialist added that anyone who has a cold or a cold, as well as people with chronic allergies or epilepsy, can also be vaccinated.

It is difficult to predict how long the vaccine protects, according to János Slavik, but we are definitely protected for 6-8 months if we have received both vaccines. However, the virus is constantly changing and vaccination is needed to prevent crowds from reaching the hospital, he stressed.

The infectologist does not recommend that anyone travel to countries where a mutant strain has multiplied, not even with two vaccines. So are Japan, the Republic of South Africa, Brazil, but we can see that a new version of the coronavirus has also hit its head in Europe. According to John Slavik

The virus cannot win, humanity will defeat the epidemic.

János Slavik: The hospital is full

There is no longer a free bed for coronavirus patients at South Pest Central Hospital.
