Index – National – Jakab Orbán with the penalty of four million: Matyi Lúdas wins three times


“Prime Minister, were the four million French fries delicious?” Peter Jakab Péter Orbán asked in Parliament on Monday, referring to his own punishment.

The Jobbik chairman added, no matter which drug parties the Fidesz go to, he still received the harshest punishment in the last twenty years for a bag of potato chips.

Péter Jakab then questioned Fidesz representatives regarding the Szájer scandal.

The organizer of the Brussels orgy assures that he has had nine Fidesz deputies so far, which means that nine Fidesz deputies can be blackmailed and that he has a good chance of making decisions contrary to the country’s interests. László Kövér has already said that he looks at women with pity. And the men? Maybe it’s one of them?

– He asked the right-wing politician his question. He then drew attention to the fact that the Prime Minister had not yet undergone a national security check, which he said would be important because it could later be revealed whether Viktor Orbán could be blackmailed and, if so, by whom and with what. “Because you are being blackmailed, Prime Minister,” he asked another question, this time to Viktor Orbán.

In his short reply, the Prime Minister said he understood the question, but not what the Prime Minister had to do with his potatoes. Viktor Orbán did not react to the Szájer case.

Péter Jakab’s answer to this was to know, since the head of government can be blackmailed, because he believes that Viktor Orbán is constantly attacking the European Union and at the same time, as he says “with a wink”, finances never-repayable investments with Russian and Chinese loans. According to Péter Jakab, it was no coincidence that a compromise was reached with the European Union, he said that the Szájer scandal had something to do with it. Regarding his sentence of four million, he even remarked, “three times Maty Lúdas returns in a hemp”.

Viktor Orbán also did not reply extensively, only pointing out that it had nothing to do with the punishment imposed on parliamentarians.

As for the agents, you are the most qualified in this, because there was a Russian agent in your ranks. I would like to remind you that Hungary is interested not only in having good relations with as many important countries in the world as possible, but also in having good commercial relations with all of them.

– said the Prime Minister, who also emphasized that the government’s policy is not to gather enemies, but to gather friends.

That is why we are building the Belgrade-Budapest railway line on a Chinese investment, we are building a Paks nuclear power plant and we are also building combat factories or tanks with Westerners. We build with everyone, we invest with everyone, we cooperate with everyone. Hungary is a country that can afford to be friends with all the great powers of the world.

Viktor Orbán stressed.
