Index – National – It turned out which blood groups are most at risk from the coronavirus


Those with blood group A or AB are more likely to be ventilated by coronavirus patients, and the scientific explanation for this is now known, Miklós Rusvai told InfoRádió.

The virus researcher explained that recent research has shown that the A antigens on the surface of red blood cells are also expressed in the epithelial cells of the lungs, and that when this is done in a slightly altered form, the virus is able to adhere molecules, damaging the organ.

This means that people with blood type 0 are less likely to have a more serious disease, so they are less likely to use a ventilator.

Miklós Rusvai also spoke about the fact that it is unfortunate that someone gets vaccinated against the coronavirus while infected, because then the immune system is more concerned about the vaccine, which means that our body is less able to control the infection.
