Index – National – It can also be risky to set personal conditions for opposition candidates


Before Christmas, on December 20, the parties involved in the opposition cooperation announced that the decision had been made at their last meeting in 2020: they would run on a common list in the 2022 parliamentary elections.

Party presidents previously agreed to test themselves against Fidesz-KDNP in the 106 districts with common candidates, a common prime ministerial candidate and a joint program. With the fact that the list dilemma was finally resolved and a vineyard reached on an important issue, the collaboration of the Democratic Coalition, Jobbik, LMP, MSZP, Momentum and Dialogue was completed.

Opposition cooperation parties Guarantees of the Change of Era They also published a document entitled “Personal Guarantees”, entitled “Personal Guarantees”.

The parties that draw up the common list have declared that they only support the candidacy of candidates who

  • submit to a rigorous selection organized jointly by opposition parties,
  • sign the candidate’s statement of integrity and the statement of values ​​that outline the principles of shared governance,
  • commit in writing to implement the joint governance program,
  • they also accept the principle that, if elected, they will perform their duties in the interest of the entire Hungarian nation.

At the same time, the so-called exclusionary factors have been formulated, that is, they strongly reject the support of candidates who

  • statements that violate human dignity,
  • Your unprincipled complicity with Fidesz,
  • proven participation in acts of corruption,
  • or because of their other illegal activities, they are not worthy of “the trust of voters who want to change the era.”

Népszava was informed that Momentum had presented a revocation option accepted by the opposition parties.

András Fekete-Győr the party president told the newspaper

If, despite the projection, scandalous information about someone comes to light during the campaign, including through the pro-government press, the opposition alliance can immediately replace their candidate.

He is also a deputy for Népszó, LMP, Péter Ungár He said: if a problem is found with any of the candidates within the association, it will be reported to the internal forum.

There will be attackable opposition candidates

Atila Tibor Nagy According to a political analyst, from the tactical point of view – in the short term – it was a good decision for the opposition parties to reveal personal guarantees, because the positive message of this is to exclude corrupt people suspected of corruption from their ranks, not to innocent people.

However, an analyst who told Index added that this requirement must be met, but it will not be easy.

It won’t be easy, as dexterity, collusion, mutyi entangle Hungarian society, so the standard is very high. And if the standard is too high and they are crushed, Fidesz will use it against the united opposition.

He said.

Regarding the withdrawal option, the expert even pointed out that the published document Changes of the Age of Change did not mention the details of the procedure, and this could even cause problems (unless the details were provided in a non-public internal document) .

The analyst has no doubt that

There will be vulnerable candidates, and during the pre-election process, in individual constituencies, opposition parties may also have an interest in having another candidate expire so that the other does not win.

The answer to the question of why the impeachment option may be important to Momentum, according to the analyst, is that since traditional left parties (MSZP, DK) have been criticized in the past, which is regularly recalled by pro-government media. , the opposition party can now argue. Tough guarantees, the opposition agreement has been put on hold to ensure that the pre-2010 world does not return.

Personal conditions can strengthen cooperation

András Pulai, According to the director of the Publicus Institute, it is important that the opposition selects the candidates according to a transparent system of criteria, as this will increase the confidence of the voters.

András Pulai believes that

if the opposition actually cuts the competition with candidates who meet the established conditions, they cannot make the cooperation even more vulnerable,

moreover, they are in fact reinforced, since they have been accepted by all six parties, and these guarantees require a more prudent procedure.

The director of the Publicus Institute would be surprised if, despite the terms agreed by the six opposition parties and well known in advance, some party nominated a candidate who had been illegally convicted of, say, an act of corruption.

However, the possibility in principle that some opposition parties “use” personal guarantees in personal matters / disputes is not ruled out.

However, the expert assumes that if such a set of criteria is included in the selection process, a mechanism will also be included to jointly examine these factors, which will address the issue in advance and in light of common policy objectives.

András Pulai does not believe that personal conditions are a necessary tool for the Fidesz attacks, as the ruling party has “decades of sharpened systems” and, as before, will continue to operate with enormous force to

Try cleaning anyone that Fidesz thinks might be dangerous to him.

According to the expert, by incorporating the revocation option, Momentum may have been driven by the belief that the opposition terms could be more successful with personal conditions, and since all six parties have accepted it, they may think so.

These criteria did not set the bar very high

On the left, they want to create an opposition based on the negotiation of power, which does not have a common ideology or a common vision, and is therefore incapable of governing.

He claims Dániel Deák, and XXI. A prominent 19th century Institute analyst, who said that there was an example of opposition “hare” in Hungary in the era of dualism, and now it is as if history is repeating itself.

Dániel Deák does not see anything in the document entitled Age Change Guarantees published so far that would not be expected from all political parties.

A politician who makes statements that violate human dignity or commit crimes of corruption, for example, should not assume a public role from the beginning. Opposition politicians did not set the bar very high with these criteria, but at the same time they raised issues that could stand up, so it was a tactically flawed move.

He stated in response to the Index.

A XXI. The Century Institute senior analyst recalled that in 2013 Ferenc Gyurcsány, the president of the Democratic Coalition (during a conversation in the Budapest press room as a guest of the Live Preamble and the Metro Club – Népszabadság) said about the MSZP: “I was the president of this party, money migrated to many places, not very and it is better if we do not know ”.

According to Dániel Deák, such statements, as well as Jobbik’s past, “can cause even more unpleasant minutes for the parties of the left-wing alliance” because

Just as anti-Semitic and racist statements came to light in the case of László Bíró, presumably similar ones can be found in the past by various better politicians.

He considers that the cooperation of the opposition is vulnerable also because the cooperation has already been dissolved in several municipalities led by the opposition, in Göd, Eger or Ferencváros.

A XXI. A leading analyst from the Institute of the Century considers it conceivable that the Momentum expects that they will exploit the “cases of corruption” of parties of the right or of the left, so they have asked for a revocation option to be declared in the joint guarantees document.

They will want to get political benefits from this issue, so they have established close cooperation with Ákos Hadházy, who regularly speaks out in corruption cases.

Dániel Deák told the Index.

(Cover image: Voter in the 2018 parliamentary elections. Photo: István Huszti / Index)
