Index – National – István Ujhelyi: Orbán government asks the EU for 500,000 gross HUF for health workers


The Orbán government submitted fifteen specific requests to the European Commission in relation to the employment protection loan program in Brussels, as evidenced by documents presented by MSZP MEP István Ujhelyi at his online press conference on Sunday. In his statement about the fact, the politician recalled that the Orbán government was able to accept the request with a month and a half delay and only amendments, and that only 504 million euros, or 180 billion HUF, of the SURE program were awarded . for us. The objective of the program is also to support the wage subsidy of workers forced to work part-time or with reduced hours due to the crisis.

István Ujhelyi also mentioned some of the specific objectives of the tender presented by the government, as he said, requesting support for “costs related to special measures to protect the personal health of public officials”, but also requesting the payment of protective equipment for hospitals and health workers.

One of the most striking points is the claim for a one-time additional benefit paid to healthcare workers, HUF 500,000 gross per capita.

This deputy assessed that, according to them, the Cabinet now intends to post-finance this with the loan in Brussels.

According to the politician, the Orbán government also intends to account for the exemption of the spring tax for catastrophes, the reduction of the tax on the contribution to rehabilitation and the suspension of the tax on the contribution to social and professional training of this line of credit.

The Honorable Member complained that although the government’s requests for the SURE program included assistance to various economic sectors, including tourism, the latter had a restrictive clause (“modernize accommodation in tourist areas to retain existing staff”). that “Fidesz kissing circles” mainly interested in tourism will benefit from this EU loan from budapest small and medium-sized enterprises, which were left without significant help during the crisis.
