Index – National – In disagreement with Viktor Orbán, more people in Fidesz would tighten epidemiological regulations


Not only are the Hungarian Medical Chamber and virologists who previously advised the government urging stricter epidemiological measures, but several Fidesz-KDNP representatives are no longer satisfied with the protection against the coronavirus epidemic. Pro-government politicians interviewed by say it should toughen up, and if the prime minister still doesn’t initiate reasonable restrictions, they will ask each other to do something.

I understand the need to pay attention to the economy, but not anymore. Wherever I go I hear that when we intervene, how many more have to die for something to finally happen?

– Said a pro-government politician requesting anonymity to He also described it as incomprehensible that spectators are received in Hungarian football stadiums, because in his opinion this is not the medium where participants observe the protection regulations.

You can see that wearing a mask is no longer enough. In spring we would shout a wolf when it was not really here, everyone was careful, they washed their hands day and night, they disinfected themselves, they did not crawl unnecessarily, avoiding encounters. But they are tired, let them go; We cannot simply rely on their sense of responsibility or perseverance to see if they get sick.

– This has already been said by a deputy who said that it would also be good to minimize the number of contacts. However, there was a politician who believed that schools should also be closed. He argued that the experience of the fall holidays had improved the situation after the schoolchildren did not know each other, so that they had no possibility of transmitting the virus to each other.
