Index – National – In a letter, a leader of a medical university asks colleagues to wear disposable masks multiple times


A letter has reached the Democratic Coalition in which the head of an organizational unit at a medical university asks his colleagues to wear FFP2 masks that would otherwise be disposable more than once.

The letter draws attention to the fact that the surgical mask does not protect if it remains inside for more than 15 minutes. Therefore, workers are asked to wear FFP2 type masks. As there are few masks that provide more protection, the author of the letter asks his colleagues not to discard the FFP2 masks after use, but to change them every other day.

I would ask everyone, unless you buy such masks, not to throw them away every day for the moment, but to change the masks and wear the same mask again after two days off.

– read in the letter.

The name of the head of the organizational unit was not revealed by the DK, but according to Olga Kálmán, a member of the party presidency, these are masks that cannot be worn safely for one day, as they provide protection for only four hours.

DK demands an immediate explanation from the Orbán government on how it is possible that in October 2020, half a year after the first wave, there are still inadequate masks and protective equipment in hospitals. What have you done in the last six months if you couldn’t even solve this simple task?

DK addresses Miklós Kásler with a written question to find out who is responsible for this.

If the government does not take care of our doctors and nurses, medical care will collapse due to sick hospital workers before it reaches the limit of its capacity.

Olga Kálmán said.

The coronavirus epidemic is already home to almost 900 deaths

The hospital cares for 804 coronavirus patients, 56 of whom are on ventilators.
