Index – National – Ilona Pálffy retired in the shadow of scandals


Although her mandate lasted until 2022, Ilona Pálffy announced in late August that she would resign as president of the National Electoral Office and retire. The first outgoing president of the NVI has held the position since 2013, and has been replaced by Prime Minister Viktor Attila Mihály Nagy, Undersecretary of State for the Economy of the Ministry of Justice, who received his appointment today from President János Áder.

The outgoing Pálffy spoke about his show entitled InfoRádió Aréna, since after the 2018 parliamentary elections he decided that he would no longer commit to holding the 2022 elections.

He cited criticism from the parties and the media as the reason for his departure.

The fact that when I finally resigned it was only partly inspired by Covid, because I thought about it a few months before.

Explained the outgoing NVI president on the show.

Permanent war with the MSZP

The outgoing president’s performance has been harshly criticized. Memorable is the case in 2016 when bald men stood in the way of István Nyakó of the MSZP at the National Elections Office to prevent Socialists from giving up their referendum initiative for the first time at Sunday’s lockout. In the end, a private individual, Lászlón Erdősi, was able to do this, ahead of the MSZP representative.

The MSZP was defeated by four seconds in the fight for the referendum

The mysterious woman won, assisted by the bald man, Lászlón Erdösi. Based on your question, you agree to the store closing on Sunday.

There were several reports of the case, Nyakó accused Pállfy of direct support to the crime, since he affirmed that the policemen, who had been summoned to the place by the Socialists, had been sent on instructions from the president of the NVI.

The investigation of the case was finally closed by the Prosecutor’s Office, which, in their opinion, ruled out that Pálffy had acted in support of the crime, since he could not instruct the policemen to do anything. The prosecution also stated that the NVI president could not commit criminal support either, because the precondition for criminal support was a basic offense, and the Budapest Police Headquarters terminated that investigation.

The task of the National Electoral Office

In Hungary, there are two main types of electoral bodies: the electoral commission and the electoral office. The main task of the electoral commissions is to ensure the fairness and fairness of the elections, to provide guidance on the uniform application of electoral legislation, and to determine the outcome of the vote. The electoral offices are responsible for the preparation and organization of elections, the management of electoral data, information on elections and the provision of technical conditions for elections. Previously, the central electoral administration was run by the National Electoral Office, which was organized under the Ministry of the Interior for two decades and then, as of 2010, the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice. Since 2013, the National Electoral Office functions as an autonomous administrative body, with an independent budget, a president appointed by the head of state, subject only to the law, and therefore cannot be instructed in its functions.

Meandering lines, chaotic states

The other serious scandal is linked to the 2018 parliamentary elections, where – although the vote officially lasted until seven at night – there were still queues at some polling stations after ten, where passers-by tried to exercise their constitutional rights. There was also one of them who stood in line for three and a half hours to stand for election.

A similar case had occurred in previous elections, but was unprecedented on the NVI website. The Vüntá site did not work for hours, it completely collapsed because it could not bear the load. Finally, an older, smaller server had to be set up to communicate data.

Although Pálffy received a great deal of criticism at the time, several demanding his resignation, he always claimed that the National Electoral Office was working well.

(Cover image: Ilona Pálffy showed one of the ballots for the 2019 municipal elections at the press conference on production on September 23, 2019. Photo: Index)
